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Myotherapy (myo – muscle) is a more advanced form of remedial massage. Myotherapists have the skills to clinically assess and physically (hands on) treat muscle and myofascial pain.
Remedial Massage

There are any conditions that can bring about an imbalance in the soft tissue structures of the body. Massage, through its physiological, mechanical and psychological effect can bring remarkable relief.

Bowen Therapy
Bowen Therapy is a form of body work in which very subtle moves performed over muscles and connective tissue send messages deep into the body. This technique is extremely gentle and is appropriate for anyone.

Dry Needling
Myofascial dry needling involves the direct insertion of an acupuncture needle into a trigger point. The trigger point, which is an area of hyperirritability within a muscle, is then manipulated with the needle.
Cupping is an complementary therapy method in which cups are applied to the skin to form a suction effect.
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